Faster. More Economical. Ultimate Precision for Compound Semiconductor.

The roots of a Temescal systems run deep, back to labs in Berkeley in the 1950s where they pioneered the first electron beam evaporation components and began patenting the first e-gun designs. Over the years, electron beam evaporation has become a well-established method for thin film coating, so well established that some might believe that a system is simply the sum of a vacuum chamber, an electron beam gun, and a high-voltage power supply.

For over a decade, they has been dedicated to mapping and better understanding the dynamics of the flux cloud. Through extensive testing and research, the company have collected hundreds of vapour cloud maps and used these maps to advance and automate the process of Lift-off uniformity mask design. Now, their systems incorporate this expertise in their Auratus deposition enhancement methodology, ensuring that your process is always harmonized to the cloud.

Operates out of our facilities in Livermore, California.

About Ferrotec

Founded on a technology core of Ferrofluid magnetic liquid and Ferrofluidic® sealing products, our company and our product portfolio have grown to meet the evolving needs of our customers. Ferrotec is now a global enterprise characterized by substantial intercompany cooperation in research, manufacturing and marketing of products.

Ferrotec (USA) Corporation is headquartered in Santa Clara, California. Our operations are focused on North American markets with facilities in Bedford, New Hampshire; San Jose, California; and Livermore, California. Ferrotec (USA) Corp. employs over 200 people in the design, manufacture, sales and marketing of a broad line of products.

Contact us now for more information.

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