
Tools for the Power Industry
AVT Services Pty Ltd is Australia’s largest specialist vacuum equipment supplier. From its head office in Sydney, and its branch offices in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, AVT Services provides sales and service support to vacuum users all over Australia and New Zealand. AVT offers its customers a comprehensive portfolio of world renowned vacuum equipment, as [...]How R&D Grants Helped This Vebiz Client?
AVT was featured on Vebiz October Newsletter! How R&D Grants Helped This Vebiz Client? Working for The Environment - Capturing SF6 (Sulphur hexafluoride) AVT Services has been working with equipment which is used for the collection and purification of Sulphur Hexafluoride (SF6) gas which is electrically non-conductive and can be used to replace insulating oil [...]Customised Vacuum De-Gassing
How did you come up with this idea for the customer? The customer approached us to assist in designing and building a vacuum degassing chamber that could remove the air from resin and inject the resin into a mould while under vacuum. What is the purpose of this machine? To degas resin and inject the [...]Process Control Automation System
AVT Services have developed a platform by which to update control systems and hardware on involved vacuum processes and systems. Our customisable Process Control Automation system can fully integrate your process control and monitoring requirement. Based upon National Instruments “Labview” program, along with National Instruments Programmable Automation Controllers (PAC), AVT technicians have combined their knowledge [...]Equipment for Mining Industry
AVT Services Pty Ltd is Australia’s largest specialist vacuum equipment supplier. From its head office in Sydney, and its branch offices in Melbourne, Brisbane and Perth, AVT Services provides sales and service support to vacuum users all over Australia and New Zealand. AVT offers its customers a comprehensive portfolio of world renowned vacuum equipment, as [...]Servicing and Refurbishment of PLV Tanks
AVT can look after Servicing and Refurbishment of all your PLV tanks What can you expect from our team: Heat and Dry each inner tank Re-evacuate the tank to a vacuum of 5 X 10-4 mbar or better Re activate the getter and molecular sieve Verify pressure relief valves against a known standard Replace REGO […]
TriContinent Prime Series Syringe Pumps
TriContinent Offers Single and Multi-Channel Syringe Pumps That Are Proven Liquid Handling Component For Lab, In Vitro Diagnostics, and Other Instrument Manufacturers Prime Series is the latest addition to TriContinent’s extensive and versatile product line of high quality syringes. These precision instruments offer optimal performance and can be customized in a variety of characteristics in […]
Problems With Transformer Oil? Enervac Has The Solution.
The Problem: Present and future transformer ratings require high quality and high purity insulating oils at the point of use. The increasing voltage and rating of the modern transformer and electrical apparatus results in greater electrical stress in insulating material and fluids. To handle these greater stresses, oils with better dielectric qualities are required. Also […]

Helium Leak Detection
Helium Leak Detection Leak Testing Solutions & Services What is Helium Leak Detection? Helium is non-toxic, inert, non-flammable and not normally present in the atmosphere at more than trace amounts. Due to its small atomic size, helium passes easily through leaks. There are other leak detection methods but none of them is as accurate [...]- 1
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