ENERDry Transformer Dry-Out System

$ P.O.A.

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ENERDry Transformer Dry-Out System

ENERVAC – Transformers and its paper insulation have a primary enemy – Water. Water can be removed from a transformer using a vacuum dehydration process. Now, however an easier and less expensive method can be used to remove the water from the transformer oil and its paper insulation.
Transformers that have 5% moisture or higher can be dried to acceptable levels without taking the transformer out of service.


  • Extends service life of transformer by extending the service life of the insulating system (paper and oil)
  • Transformer remains in service during processing (no lost revenue due to down time)
  • Reduced cost relative to other processes
  • Does not remove dissolved gas from transformer oil, allowing dissolved gas analysis (DGA) to give advanced notice of other potential problems in the system.

Optional Features:

  • Transformer Oil Level Monitoring System (TOLMS)
  • Hygrometer – Oil Hygrometer sensor for measurement of moisture level in the oil (PPM)
  • Touch screen interface with data logger with “PPM
  • Trend” tool for monitoring moisture content over time.
  • E-mail /SMS alarm messages
  • Remote Monitoring of PPM Trend chart

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