Edwards ELD500 Leak Detector

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Edwards ELD500 precision leak detector

Edwards new ELD500 leak detector has arrived. It’s designed for fast and accurate leak detection in a wide range of applications and is fully mobile with an easy to use control interface. This is your perfect partner in leak detection.

With three variants in the range, FLEX, WET and DRY, plus an extensive catalogue of accessories, the versatile Edwards ELD500 leak detector is ideal across all applications. At the push of a button the ELD500 can easily be set to work in either vacuum mode for precise measurement of leak rate or sniffer mode for identifying leak location.

Key features

  • Customisable for any application all models feature a rugged turbomolecular pump optimised for the rigours of portable leak detection
  • Ready to go mobile solution ELD500 is truly ready to go in under two minutes from power on
  • High stability and accuracy excellent repeatable accuracy is achieved by the Edwards ELD500 through calibration with the intelligent test leak source and high quality mass spectrometer

The proven design of ELD500 leak detector, combined with low energy consumption, extended warranty and even longer life ion source, ensures exceptional low cost of ownership with no compromise on performance.

Contact us for more information.

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