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Active Ion Gauge (AIGX) AIGX-S-DN40CF by Edwards

Pressure: 6.6 x 10-2 to 6.6 x 10-10 mbar

The Active Ion Gauge (AIGX) is a compact active ion gauge with dual yttria coated iridium filaments, a wide measuring range from 6.6 x 10-2 to 6.6 x 10-10 mbar, and a 1 Volt/decade linear output. The AIGX incorporates all benefits of the industry standard active gauging concept, with integral electronics and replaceable tube. The gauge has a degas facility and includes features to protect and extend the life of the filaments. The AIGX benefits from extremely low emissions of charged particles, which makes it an excellent choice for processes where background noise is undesirable.

Product ID: D04852000

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SKU: D04852000 Category:
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